Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Arguments Surrounding Media Bias Essay - 1336 Words

Whether it is through a newspaper, television, magazines or talk radio, people will always communicate through some type of medium. Now, whether or not the mediums are tainted with bias is a question of beliefs. Some people argue that journalism today is rather fair and balanced, while others would vehemently oppose that view by saying that bias is definitely prevalent in news media and other mediums today. In some instances, there lies the belief that the fairness doctrine should be reestablished in order to mend the problem of bias; however, many would strenuously fight that by arguing that such an act would destroy the freedom of the press guaranteed under the first amendment. Another argument surrounding this issue is the expectation†¦show more content†¦But in today’s market, with hundreds of choices in programming, such regulations are irrelevant, and nearly impossible to enforce† (Sears par.8). Sears then goes on to say that the Fairness Doctrine is count erproductive and that the FCC actually found that it discouraged free speech. This was because instead of trying to give each side â€Å"equal time†, station owners began dropping politically-based programming altogether (Sears par.9). The policy was abolished in 1987 by the FCC as a result (Sears, par 9). Until the 1980s, the control of the media was in the hands of the national government. From then, the control shifted to private outlets and by the 1990’s, there were more than fifty multinational companies who controlled it (â€Å"Mass Media†). Today, only about six major companies control the larger fraction of media in America (Williams, Par. 1). Norman Solomon wrote in the New Political Science Journal that most reporters and editors work for just a few huge companies. These journalists and editors are on the payroll for â€Å"mega-media institutions†, of which, only about six exist (Solomon 297). How much will the public learn if these companies generally control the output of information? Yet another argument is that bias is not really an issue at all. Richard Perloff wrote that while people believe that while the media may exaggerate what itShow MoreRelatedIndigenous And Non Indigenous Of The Baseball Team, The Cleveland Indians1657 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Media, in its many forms, controls how individuals learn about different issues going on around the world. Many of these media outlets tend to have some sort of bias to lead the individual to be either for or against the issue at hand. This essay will discuss how Indigenous peoples are portrayed in the media, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and compare how these different sources portray Indigenous people. This essay will focus on one topic that has surfaced recently, the courtRead MoreAre You Blame For Domestic Violence?1079 Words   |  5 Pages Are You To Blame for Domestic Violence? 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Among African Americans Free Essays

Type II Diabetes Mellitus among African Americans Type II Diabetes Mellitus is an adult-onset diabetes that affects 90% of the diabetes patients. It is when the body does not recognize the insulin being produced by the pancreas, or not enough is produced. Insulin is a hormone that causes different cells to take up glucose for energy. We will write a custom essay sample on Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Among African Americans or any similar topic only for you Order Now Resistance to insulin causes the build up of glucose in the blood, which causes improper functions of cells and blood circulation, damage to nerves and blood vessels. The prevalence of type II diabetes is highest in African Americans among ethnic and racial groups. African American type II diabetic populations have tripled in 1993 when compared to 1963. Type II diabetes is mostly developed after age 40, but the age is getting younger due to high rates of obese populations among African Americans. Major causes for such high rates include, hereditary traits, hyperinsulinemia, poor diet, obesity, smoking habits and lack of physical activity. Some symptoms to notice are frequent urination, increased thirst and hunger, dry mouth, blurred vision, skin irritation and fatigue. Medical doctor diagnoses it after a confirmatory test called fasting plasma glucose test (FPG). Blood is drawn while fasting and analyzed for blood glucose levels. Normal is considered to be between 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter, and if it greater than or equal to 126 milligrams per deciliter, one is said to have diabetes. Although oral medications are available, type II diabetes can be controlled by proper diet and exercise. Frequent self-testing for glucose levels using a glucometer can provide information on how well you are doing managing the levels. Frequent doctor visits for glucose tests are recommended. If left uncontrolled, it can cause eye diseases such as retinopathy, which is more prevalent in African Americans than Caucasian Americans. It can also lead to kidney failure, amputation and the worst-case scenario, diabetic coma. Prevention is important to decrease these chances and avoid serious health consequences. Bibliography Search: 1. Tuomilehto, Jaakko, Lindstrom, Jaana, Eriksson, Johan G. , Valle, Timo T. , Hamalainen, Helena, Ilanne-Parikka, Pirjo, Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka, Laakso, Mauri, Louheranta, Anne, Rastas, Merja, Salminen, Virpi, Aunola, Sirkka, Cepaitis, Zygimantas, Moltchanov, Vladislav, Hakumaki, Martti, Mannelin, Marjo, Martikkala, Vesa, Sundvall, Jouko, Uusitupa, Matti, the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study Group. Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Changes in Lifestyle among Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. New England Journal of Medicine. 344 (2001): 1343-1350. 2. Brancati, FL. â€Å"Incident type 2 diabetes mellitus in African American and white adults – The atherosclerosis risk in communities study. † Journal of the American Medical Association 283. 17 (2000): 2253-2259. 3. Robbins, JM, Vaccarino, V, Zhang, H, Kasl, SV. Socioeconomic status and type 2 diabetes in African American and non-Hispanic white women and men: evidence from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. † American Journal of Public Health 91. 1 (2001): 76-83. 4. Signorello, Lisa B. , Schlundt, David G. , Cohen, Sarah S. , Steinwandel, Mark D. , Buchowski, Maciej S. , McLaughlin, Joseph K . , Hargreaves, Margaret K. , Blot, William J. â€Å"Comparing Diabetes Prevalence Between African Americans and Whites of Similar Socioeconomic Status. † American Journal of Public Health 97 (2007): 2260-2267. 5. Bell RA, Summerson JH, Konen JC: Dietary intakes by levels of glycemic control for black and white adults with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). J Am Coll Nutr 14 (1995):144–154. 6. Weatherspoon LJ, Kumanyika SK, Ludlow R, Schatz D: Glycemic control in a sample of black and white clinic patients with NIDDM. Diabetes Care 17(1994):1148–1153. 7. Wisdom K, Fryzek JP, Havstad SL, Anderson RM, Dreiling MC, Tilley BC: Comparison of laboratory test frequency and test results between African-Americans and Caucasians with diabetes: opportunity for improvement. Diabetes Care 20 (1997):971–977. 8. Fagot-Campagna, A. â€Å"Emergence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children: epidemiological evidence. † Journal of Pediatric Endocrinol Metab. 13. 6 (2000). 9. Osei K, Rhinesmith S, Gaillard T, Schuster D P. â€Å"Impaired Insulin Sensitivity, Insulin Secretion, and Glucose Effectiveness Predict Future Development of Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type 2 Diabetes in Pre-Diabetic African Americans: Implications for primary diabetes prevention. † Diabetes Care 27 (2004):1439-1446. 10. Osei K, Gaillard T, Schuster D P. Pathogenetic mechanisms of impaired glucose tolerance and type II diabetes in African-Americans. The significance of insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, and glucose effectiveness. Diabetes Care 20 (1997):396-404 11. Danadian K, Balasekaran G, Lewy V, Meza M P, Robertson R, Arslanian S A. â€Å"Insulin sensitivity in African-American children with and without family history of type 2 diabetes. † Diabetes Care August 22 (1995):1325-1329. 12. National Institutes of Health–NIDDK: Diabetes in African Americans. In Diabetes in America. 2nd ed. No. 95–1468 ed. , 1995,p. 613–629 How to cite Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus Among African Americans, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Intelligence Research Report

Question: Write about the Business Intelligence Research Report. Answer: Introduction Data mining describes the process of data extraction, data analysis from viewpoints/dimensions, and subsequent production of a summary of info in a useful manner which acknowledges the relationships with the data (Trieu, 2017). Two types of data mining are descriptive that avails info regarding available data; besides predictive, that offers projections anchored on the data. Data Analysis on the other hand describes the process that uses a diverse tools and methods already developed for querying available data, discovering exception, and verifying hypothesis and entail reports and queries, managed query environment along with OLAP (besides associated variants like ROLAP (relational), HOLAP (hybrid) and MOLAP (multidimensional)) (Trieu, 2017). Data analysis remains a significant technique for the development of knowledge from vast quantities of data on business gathered and stowed daily, business require the effective selection of tools of analyzing data. Such effectiveness will make sure that strengths of such tools are commensurate to the business needs (Yang, Pinsonneault Hsieh, 2017). Firms have to master how tools are utilized and corresponding audience. Both internet and mobile users needs along with power users must be taken into account alongside the assessment of users skills along with knowledge besides the level of training required to obtain the foremost productivity from these tools. Methodology The methodological approach adopted for this study was systematic review of existing data on the topic. The internet was used to obtain the article that when the reviewed to gather data. The design for the study was mainly exploratory qualitative study. A total of twelve peer reviewed articles were selected and review. Data cleaning and censoring was done to eliminate the overlapping data. Thematic analysis focusing on the data analysis and mining tools was then perform to make data more useful to users. Results/Discussion Role of Data Analysis Tools and Data Mining The skyrocketing quantity of data that is under the present generation per annum make accessibility of useful info from such data increasingly essential. The info stowed in the data warehouse is the data repository accumulated from numerous sources like abridged info from internal systems, corporate databases along with data from outside sources (Shen et al., 2017). Data analysis entails simple probe along with reporting, analysis statistically, multifaceted analysis multidimensionality as well as data mining. Both data analysis alongside data mining remain key subsets of BI that further integrates Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), data warehousing and systems of database management. The above technologies are useful in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) when analyzing trends/patterns as well as querying databases. The search and subsequent analysis of large amount of data enables the discovery of useful trends/patterns and relationships, that are in turn utilized in the prediction of future behavior. Certain estimates suggest that the quantity of newfangled info double at an interval of three years. The info is stowed in the data repository collected from diverse bases to speak to the mountains of data. The info is then designed and implemented properly and updated regularly and stowed in the warehouse thereby enabling managers to excerpt to and examine info relating to the companys buying habits of customers, operations as well as products. Both tools for analysis and mining of data utilize quantitative examination, recognition of pattern/trend, analysis of cluster, discovery of correlation along with associations to undertake data analysis with slight or no Information Technology involvement. The aftermath information is in turn presented to a given user in a form that is effortlessly understandable via BI process. Analytical tools available for managers include queries and reports, OLAP alongside its variants MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP or managed query environments. Data mining supports such analytical tools as it develops trends/patterns useful for future analysis, and competes the process of BI. The tools for Data Mining utilize a range of techniques like advanced statistics and neural networks thereby allowing the locations of trends/patters acknowledgeable in data and in turn establish hypothesis. Data Analytic tools like enquiring tools besides OLAP variants examine data, undertake relationship determination, and subsequently perform hypothesis testing relating to the data. The Data Analytic tools endure to develop as well as grow under this background, with the entire goalmouth of enhancing BI, improvement of decision analysis, and, further lately, connections with business process management (BPM/workflow) promotion. Ethical Implications Circumventing Gathering, Storing and Using Customer Information Many ethical issues regards the gathering, storage as well as protection of data in respective databases. Organizations gather and stow a wealth of info relating to customers in corresponding databases. Three perspectives enable the effective examination of issues linked to data collected and stored in databases. These standpoints encompass companies ethical responsibilities to its corresponding customers, employees ethical responsibilities to organization and its corresponding customers and customers ethical responsibilities to the organization. The companies ethical responsibilities to customers circumvents around the data gathering of solely essential data from the customers, correctly safeguarding customer data, restricting the sharing of the customer data, as well as censoring errors in the customer data. the employees ethical responsibilities is to evade browsing via records of data and customer unless it is dictated by necessities, never selling the customer data to rivals, and never disclosing customer data to associated parties. The ethical responsibilities of the customer relates to their provision of data to the organization they are in a dealing with. Such customer responsibilities to the organization will entail provision of accurate as well as complete data where the data is essential, as well as upholding the obligation never to disclose or utilize the company data they can access (Marjanovic Dinter, 2017). The companies data analysts that use web analysts via digital measurement tools like Google on the websites of their client must have their Web Analysts Code of Ethics adhered to strictly. The professional must engage only with organizations that keep their data confidential, private as well as protected (Vidal-Garca, Vidal Barros, 2017). The companies must provide full disclosure of their corresponding consumer data usage practices to their respective customers, encompassing if and when they sell such data to 3rd party vendors. The ethics for data buyers must also be adhered to where certain organizations purchase data from additional sources in determining marketing strategies, targets of sales as well as discrimination of prices. The principles of data protection must as well be adhered to strictly. Eight principles of protecting data must be complied with by people processing the data. The analysts must fairly as well as lawful be processed and utilized for limited purposes. Further, data has to be adequate, relevant as well as non-excessive and accurate (Visinescu, Jones Sidorova, 2017). The data should as well never be kept longer than necessary as well as processed according to data customers rights. The data must as well be secure and never transferred to nations without sufficient protection. The customers from whom the data is collected must have informed consent. These customers must have adequate info to make independent choice of whether or not to partake that is oriented on comprehension of the risks as well as alternatives in surrounding that is free from coercion. The potential subjects decisions on the issue of consent has to be evidenced (Fuchs, Hpken Lexhagen, 2017). The subject requires to have an agreement that her data shall be utilized for a particular study scope as well as aware of the meaning of such utilization. Conclusion Whereas tools for data analysis are increasingly becoming simpler, extra sophisticated techniques shall need specialized staff. Particularly, data mining will need extra expertise since outcomes can be challenging to interpret and, hence, could need verification utilizing additional methods. Both analysis and mining of data remain integral components of BI, and need firm strategies for data warehouse to function properly (Fink, Yogev Even, 2017). This revelation implies that additional attention should be focused to the ETL mundane aspects and advanced analytical capability. The end product can solely be as effective as data which nourishes such a system. Recommendation Provided the central repository to store the huge quantities of data, firms require tools which aid in the extraction of the significant useful info from a given data set hence the need for data analysis tools and data mining. Data analysis must entail simple functions of probe besides reporting, analysis statistically and sophisticated analysis of multidimensional data along with data mining (or knowledge discovery in database/KDD). References Fink, L., Yogev, N., Even, A. (2017). Business intelligence and organizational learning: An empirical investigation of value creation processes. Information Management, 54(1), 38-56. Fuchs, M., Hpken, W., Lexhagen, M. (2017). Business intelligence for destinations: Creating knowledge from social media. Kokina, J., Pachamanova, D., Corbett, A. (2017). The role of data visualization and analytics in performance management: Guiding entrepreneurial growth decisions. Journal of Accounting Education. Le-Khac, N. A., Kechadi, M., Carthy, J. (2017). ADMIRE framework: Distributed data mining on data grid platforms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.09756. Marjanovic, O., Dinter, B. (2017, January). 25+ Years of Business Intelligence and Analytics Minitrack at HICSS: A Text Mining Analysis. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Roiger, R. J. (2017). Data mining: A tutorial-based primer. CRC Press. Shen, C. C., Chang, R. E., Hsu, C. J., Chang, I. C. (2017). How business intelligence maturity enabling hospital agility. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 450-456. Shmueli, G. (2017). Analyzing Behavioral Big Data: Methodological, practical, ethical, and moral issues. Quality Engineering, 29(1), 57-74. Trieu, V. H. (2017). Getting value from Business Intelligence systems: A review and research agenda. Decision Support Systems, 93, 111-124. Vidal-Garca, J., Vidal, M., Barros, R. H. (2017). Computational Business Intelligence, Big Data, and Their Role in Business Decisions in the Age of the Internet of Things. In The Internet of Things in the Modern Business Environment (pp. 249-268). IGI Global. Visinescu, L. L., Jones, M. C., Sidorova, A. (2017). Improving Decision Quality: The Role of Business Intelligence. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 57(1), 58-66. Yang, J., Pinsonneault, A., Hsieh, J. J. (2017, January). Understanding Intention to Explore Business Intelligence Systems: The Role of Fit and Engagement. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mystical Petersburg Review Essay Example

Mystical Petersburg Review Paper Essay on Mystical Petersburg I live in Petersburg. I admire your favorite city, its architecture and monuments. Opportunity to delve into the mystique Petersburg teased me for a long time. Finally, the desire has come true and I plunged into the mysterious world of Petersburg entirely, and woke up only read to the end! Here, I met with the ghost of Kirov at the Smolny, I learned about the terrible sworn sphinxes time of Amenhotep, about the mysteries of the Field of Mars, of Petersburg nekromantakh and Marquis de Beers, on the severed head of the famous raiders 20s Lonki Panteleyev, met with St. Petersburg witchcraft, with a sinister secret of the bypass channel. Learn about the damn place, ghost Kronwerk, Rasputin Petersburg hotels and subway, a ghost in my neighborhood park Ekateringofsky. Since childhood, I walk out there and never met a ghost! :)) I got to know the mysteries of the St. Petersburg cemetery pets, learned about the horrors of the dead houses, the Flying Dutchman, a fucking swamp, those who wander with us, on the curse Lindulovskaya groves, about the mysteries of Ropshinskoye palace We will write a custom essay sample on Mystical Petersburg Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mystical Petersburg Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mystical Petersburg Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So many things! But I live here, this St. Petersburg native. Fortunately, I have never come across any mysticism, I did terribly afraid of such things! And you? Read was funny and scary. The author has spent on the writing and layout of this for decades. He says, digging in various city archives in search of facts, including the KGB, NKVD, the police. But IMHO, the truth in this book are a small fraction. No matter what facts I do not believe as long as she did not run into similar! Oh, how I would not want to! 8) Still, the book I really liked, and certainly worthy of Petersburgers and curious personalities. The main thing is the ability to weed out unnecessary information, or at least do not take it seriously The language in Stepakova light and humorous.. The author skillfully inserts humorous notes of where it should be creepy and scary Also, in the book there is an application consisting of works:. 1. NV Gogols Nevsky Prospect; 2. FM Dostoevskys The Dream of a Ridiculous Man; 3. AP Chekhovs old house; 4. AS Greens Pied Piper. In general, I liked it!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 Steps for Balancing Chemical Equations

3 Steps for Balancing Chemical Equations A chemical equation describes what happens in a chemical reaction. The equation identifies the reactants (starting materials) and products (resulting substances), the formulas of the participants, the phases of the participants (solid, liquid, gas), the direction of the chemical reaction, and the amount of each substance. Chemical equations are balanced for mass and charge, meaning the number and type of atoms on the left side of the arrow is the same as the number of type of atoms on the right side of the arrow. The overall electrical charge on the left side of the equation is the same as the overall charge on the right side of the equation. In the beginning, its important to first learn how to balance equations for mass. Balancing a chemical equation refers to establishing the mathematical relationship between the quantity of reactants and products. The quantities are expressed as grams or moles. It takes practice to be able to write balanced equations. There are essentially three steps to the process. 3 Steps for Balancing Chemical Equations 1) Write the unbalanced equation. Chemical formulas of reactants are listed on the lefthand side of the equation.Products are listed on the righthand side of the equation.Reactants and products are separated by putting an arrow between them to show the direction of the reaction. Reactions at equilibrium will have arrows facing both directions.Use the one- and two-letter element symbols to identify elements.When writing a compound symbol, the cation in the compound (positive charge) is listed before the anion (negative charge). For example, table salt is written as NaCl and not ClNa. 2) Balance the equation. Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to get the same number of atoms of every element on each side of the equation. Tip: Start by balancing an element that appears in only one reactant and product.Once one element is balanced, proceed to balance another, and another until all elements are balanced.Balance chemical formulas by placing coefficients in front of them. Do not add subscripts, because this will change the formulas. 3) Indicate the states of matter of the reactants and products. Use (g) for gaseous substances.Use (s) for solids.Use (l) for liquids.Use (aq) for species in solution in water.Generally, there isnt a space between the compound and the state of matter.Write the state of matter immediately following the formula of the substance it describes. Balancing Equation: Worked Example Problem Tin oxide is heated with hydrogen gas to form tin metal and water vapor. Write the balanced equation that describes this reaction. 1) Write the unbalanced equation. SnO2 H2 → Sn H2O Refer to Table of Common Polyatomic Ions and Formulas of Ionic Compounds if you have trouble writing the chemical formulas of the products and reactants. 2) Balance the equation. Look at the equation and see which elements are not balanced. In this case, there are two oxygen atoms on the lefthand side of the equation and only one on the righthand side. Correct this by putting a coefficient of 2 in front of water: SnO2 H2 → Sn 2 H2O This puts the hydrogen atoms out of balance. Now there are two hydrogen atoms on the left and four hydrogen atoms on the right. To get four hydrogen atoms on the right, add a coefficient of 2 for the hydrogen gas. The coefficient is a number that goes in front of a chemical formula. Remember, coefficients are multipliers, so if we write 2 H2O it denotes 2x24 hydrogen atoms and 2x12 oxygen atoms. SnO2 2 H2 → Sn 2 H2O The equation is now balanced. Be sure to double-check your math! Each side of the equation has 1 atom of Sn, 2 atoms of O, and 4 atoms of H. 3) Indicate the physical states of the reactants and products. To do this, you need to be familiar with the properties of various compounds or you need to be told what the phases are for the chemicals in the reaction. Oxides are solids, hydrogen forms a diatomic gas, tin is a solid, and the term water vapor indicates that water is in the gas phase: SnO2(s) 2 H2(g) → Sn(s) 2 H2O(g) This is the balanced equation for the reaction. Be sure to check your work! Remember Conservation of Mass requires the equation to have the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. Multiply the coefficient (number in front) times the subscript (number below an element symbol)Â  for each atom. For this equation, both sides of the equation contain: 1 Sn atom2 O atoms4 H atoms If youd like more practice, review another example of balancing equations or try some worksheets. If you think youre ready, try a quiz to see if you can balance chemical equations. Balance Equations With Mass and Charge Some chemical reactions involve ions, so you need to balance them for charge as well as mass. Learn how to balance ionic equations and redox (oxidation-reduction) reactions. Similar steps are involved.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Russians Renamed St. Petersburg Three Times in a Century

The Russians Renamed St. Petersburg Three Times in a Century St. Petersburg is Russias second-largest city after Moscow, and throughout history, it has been known by a few different names. In the more than 300 years since it was established, St. Petersburg has also been known as Petrograd and Leningrad, though its also known as Sankt-Peterburg (in Russian), Petersburg, and just plain Peter. The city has a population of about 5 million people. Visitors there take in the architecture, especially historic buildings along the Neva River and its canals and tributaries flowing in the city that connect Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland. Being so far north, in the middle of summer, the citys daylight extends nearly 19 hours. Terrain includes coniferous forests, sand dunes, and beaches. Why all of the names for a single city? To understand the many aliases of St. Petersburg, look no further than the citys long, tumultuous history.   1703: St. Petersburg Peter the Great founded the port city of St. Petersburg on the very western edge of Russia in 1703 in a marshy floodplain. Located on the Baltic Sea, he desired to have the new city mirror the great Western cities of Europe, where he had traveled while studying in his youth. Amsterdam was one of the primary influences on the czar, and the name St. Petersburg has a distinctly  Dutch-German influence. 1914: Petrograd St. Petersburg saw its first name change in 1914 when World War I broke out. The Russians thought that the name sounded too German, and it was given a more Russian-sounding name. The Petro start of the name retains the history of honoring Peter the Great.The -grad  portion is a common suffix used in a number of Russian cities and localities. 1924: Leningrad It was only 10 years that St. Petersburg was known as Petrograd because in 1917 the Russian Revolution 503 changed everything for the country, including the citys name. At the beginning of the year, the Russian monarchy was overthrown, and by years end, the Bolsheviks had taken control. This led to the worlds first communist government. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin led the Bolsheviks, and in 1922 the Soviet Union was created. After Lenins death in 1924, Petrograd became known as Leningrad to honor the former leader. 1991: St. Petersburg Fast-forward through almost 70 years of the communist government to the fall of the USSR. In the years that followed, many places in the country were renamed, and Leningrad became St. Petersburg once again. Historical buildings saw renovation and rejuvenation. Changing the city name back to its original name did not come without controversy. In 1991, the citizens of Leningrad were given the opportunity to vote on the name change. As reported in the New York Times at the time, some people saw restoring the citys name to St. Petersburg as a way to forget the decades of turmoil during communist rule and an opportunity to reclaim its original Russian heritage. The Bolsheviks, on the other hand, saw the change as an insult to Lenin. In the end, St. Petersburg was returned to its original name, but you will still find some people who refer to the city as Leningrad.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Climate Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Climate Change - Essay Example Describe three key findings of the AR4 report that are mentioned in the Introduction Section. Key findings include: 1. An increase in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global sea levels 11 out of last 12 years from 1995-2006 rank among the 12 hottest years on record Global sea level rise of 1.8mm from 1961-2003 Polar ice caps shrinking – Artic sea ice extent shrank 2.7% per decade Changes in precipitation – decline in Mediterranean, Sahel, southern Africa and increase in eastern part of North and South America, North Europe 2. Natural systems are being affecting by regional climate change, particularly temperature increase Glacial runoff increase glacial lake sizes Hydrological effects – increase runoff, earlier spring peak discharge, warming of lakes/rivers, which effects thermal structure and water quality 3. Effects of regional climate change in natural and human environment are emerging, although many are difficult to discern due to adoption and non climatic drivers Agricultural changes – planting crops earlier on in the year Increase in climatic health hazards, e.g. European 2003 heat wave killed 15,000 people in France What is the difference between natural and anthropogenic drivers of climate change? Provide an example of each. Natural changes refer to climatic alterations in the Earth’s atmosphere that aren’t affected by humans. Astronomical Effects Terrestrial Effects Orbital variability of the Earth Global geometry of continent/ocean distribution Solar storms and flares Ocean tide cycles Sunspot cycles Periodic ocean circulation changes, e.g. El Nino These processes control the amount of suns radiation reaching specific latitudinal zones on Earth Volcanic eruptions Anthropogenic drivers have also been highlighted as contributing to climate change and accelerating the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere. Examples include increased CO? (280ppm from pre industrial levels to 379pmm by 2005), burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, CFC’s and aerosols and from agriculture, e.g. cows releasing significant amounts of methane. What is a greenhouse gas (GHG), and how have their levels changed in the atmosphere changed since 1970? A GHG is a gas in the Earth’s atmosphere that contributes to the greenhouse effect through absorbing and emitting radiation causing climate change. They include CO?, methane, nitrous oxide and halocarbons. Changes in the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and aerosols, land cover and solar radiation alter the energy balances of climatic systems. There has been a 70% increase in global GHG emissions due to human activities between 1970-2004. CO? annual emissions have increased by 80% from 21 to 38 gigatonnes. CO? also represents 77% of total anthropogenic GHG emissions. Describe the SRES scenarios. What are they, and why do we have more than one of them? SRES refers to the scenarios descr ibed in the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios. The SRES project an increase of baseline global GHG emissions by a range of 9.7 to 36.7 GtCO? – eq (25% to 90%) between 2000-2030. The SRES scenarios are grouped into 4 scenario families (A1, A2, B1, B2). They explore alternative development pathways, covering a wide range of demographic,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

ART - Essay Example Her serene expressions depict her inner tranquillity or it could be a sign of melancholy. The Lady in the portrait has alluring lush dark-long hair; her skin tone is fairly light brown, her body is shapely and subtle. Hence, she fulfils all the terms of being an aesthetic beauty, who is out in the nature to be noticed by the artist. Her noticeable ornaments are a finger ring, two bangles in her wrist and a shoulder band tightly enclosed around her upper arm. Ornaments like finger rings either portray commitment or are a sign of wealth. In this portrait, the woman is dominated by blue colour and has beauty all around her in the form of flowers and crystal blue water, but she has tightly closed her eyes either due to serenity or despair. Hence, the portrait leaves one a bit perplexed, the expression spread across her face depict self-possession or serenity, but the element of bliss cannot be suggested for it. Thus, one concludes that the lady in blue is either feeling grey, blue or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

North and South Differences Essay Example for Free

North and South Differences Essay When the pioneers from Great Britain came to â€Å"The new world†, now known as America, they located themselves all over this new land that they had discovered. They divided themselves up into colonies. They had colonies in the north and colonies in the south, both being different from each other do to the climate and geography. In the northern colonies the main economic goals were centered on the industrial business side of things. They produced tons of goods, which allowed them to be able to trade a lot of what they produced. Also they did a lot of fishing, which was a major business in the northern colonies. The southern colonies, unlike the northern colonies, had an economic system based on agriculture and plantations. They also kept their economy growing by having imported or forced labor with the slave trade going on. The south had a lot of hard work that needed to be done and they needed people to do it for them, so they saw slavery as a solution to that problem. The north on the other hand, like I said, was industrial based so they didn’t have a ton of hands on working jobs like the south. The Labor wasn’t near as hard for the north so they didn’t really get into slavery that much. Religion in the northern and southern colonies was also a little bit different. In the north there were more religious settlements, which means that they had more of freedom when it came to religion and things like that. In the south religious activities aligned with Angicans. Which means they did things like the people in Great Britain did. They had the same views on religion as the Britain’s and didn’t have very much freedom in their religion views. The social views from the northern colonies believed that above all that their time should be spent in productive labor. They had large families and enjoyed drinking. They sang, dance, and made music but did all of these things at the appropriate time, and didn’t get excessive with how much they did it. They did not see sex as evil, but believed that people should be married if they did do it. In the south, due to all the economy being based on plantations, society was based on class and race, which made it difficult for everyone to come together into agreement on things. The government was set up in towns and didn’t have much communication with all the towns as one. The northern colonies were more bonded and had mayors, fire departments, police stations, and other things set up like a real government should. The southern colonies combined with the northern colonies produced a pretty good economical system, the south  having the agriculture side and the north having t he industrial side. This made our relationship with England strong because we had things that they would want to trade with us. We affected England’s economy positively, which made our relationship strong. The northern colonies strayed away from England’s strict religious views so this sort of hurt the relationship between the north and England, but it didn’t hurt the relationship that bad. It wasn’t till after the French and Indian war, where the relationship between the colonies and England started to go down hill. After the French and Indian war when England started to tax the colonies, the south had a lot of â€Å"Tories† these were people who did not want to rebel against England. The northern colonies most everyone was in favor of rebelling. So the South had a better relationship with England if you put all the factors together. Even though both of the colonies had their differences, they also had their similarities. Both relied on trade to an extent, both struggled with their economies at first, both had dreams of creating a new society. They both came from the same place, Great Britain, and wanted to start something new and be the beginning of something new. Even with the diversity of the north and south, eventually we came together, and made America what it is today, one of the greatest countries on Earth. Our diversity defines us, and I believe it makes us stronger as a whole.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Stock Market :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

The Stock Market Have you ever noticed how everyone thinks they know what is best for you? Everyone telling you what to do when you are the only one who knows what is the best for you. You maybe wondering what this is about, would you believe me if I told you it is about the stock market. Well it is, you may have thought that this had nothing to do with the stock market, but actually it is everything about the stock market. Why trust everybody else when you can invest yourself ? Develop your own system of trading and get started. This may raise another question, " How can I find the right stock and buy them with out the assistance of a stock broker?" In the following information I will take you through the process of finding hot stock picks and turning them into tremendous profits. Eventually you will even develop a trading system. First of all lets get the basic steps down before we move to the more advanced steps. The two main ways to make money in the stock market is from dived ends and buying low and selling high. To make great outrageous profits you will have to riley on buying low and selling high. This is very easy to say but very difficult to do. With dived ends you will receive a small percentage gain every quarter of the year, this helps with your profits but not much. To buy low and sell high you first have to find some stocks or funds. With this information and your motivation with stocks you can rule the world! O.K. maybe not the world but definitely your own portfolio. Now that you have the main concepts down we can move on and try to find some hot stocks. You never want to buy over bought stocks, because over bought stocks means that they are over valued. If you bought a over valued stock chances are that you bought high, and this may force you into selling low and take a loss. An easy way to get a round about feel for a stock to see if it is over or under valued is to look at its PE ratio.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Class and Gender Roles in Raising Arizona

In the film Raising Arizona, the scene where HI and Ed are sitting outside with Dot discussing the needs of Nathan Jr. is one that relates to our studies of America on Film. The concepts of Class and Gender roles are evident in this scene. HI and Ed can be considered part of the lower-middle class. Glen and Dot are part of the upper-middle class. One of the ways that the film distinguishes between them is that Glen’s job as supervisor shows that he has a more respectable job with higher income. Also, Glen and Dot have many children that they adopted. They are able to support all those children and are actually looking for another one to adopt. This concept of Class also relates to how each couple fits into their gender roles. Prior to marrying HI, Ed had somewhat of a career as a policewoman. She was providing for herself. HI on the other hand, was constantly in and out of prison for robbing the same convenience store. After the marriage, and having obtained Nathan Jr. , they each assimilated into their perspective gender roles. HI left his life of crime behind and got a job to support the family. Ed left her job behind and became a housewife. It was important to mention this before discussing the scene at the lunch table with Dot. The way that HI and Ed fit into their gender roles, and the fact that they are in a lower class than Glen and Dot, shapes the way the conversation takes place. During this conversation, Dot is telling Ed about all the things that they must do for Nathan Jr. Every time Dot mentions something to Ed, Ed looks to HI for answers. At this point, Ed playing the role of the housewife looks to her husband, the provider and man of the house, for all the answers. Class also comes into play at this moment. HI has no clue what the woman are talking about. Since we don’t know much of HI’s past, we can only presume that since he was constantly robbing that store, he has been part of the lower class. HI has no experience in these kinds of things like flu shots and trust funds. Class is also evident here when you consider that Dot is aware of all these things. Since she is part of the upper-middle class, she has responsibilities, or at least knows how to take care of these things. So even though Dot is a housewife and Glen provides for the family, because they are part of the higher class than Ed and HI, it slightly changes the responsibilities of the gender roles. That was a scene that stuck out, at first only the way each person fit into their gender roles. Only after giving it some thought did I come to the realization that Class plays a factor on Gender roles.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Informative speech on Concussions Intro Imagine your head pounding and you don’t know where you are, your eyes are dilated and you can’t remember how or what happened. All of a sudden you’re getting help being carried off by people you can’t recognize. You get to the sideline and they start asking you multiple questions, who are we playing? What’s the score? And you stumble to answer these questions and get them wrong. Then they make you take a seat on the bench and say your done playing and inform you that you have received a concussion. 1st body- what concussions are, causesFirst I would like to discuss what concussions actually are. According to Web MD, a concussion is a type of brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. By definition, a concussion is not a life threatening injury but it can cause both short term and long term problems. There most likely arenâ€℠¢t any visible signs of a brain injury when a concussion occurs. Even though it is a minor traumatic brain injury, they are still very serious. It can affect how your brain works for a while.A concussion can result from a fall, sports activities, and even a car accident. Your brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid and protected by your hard skull. The fluid around your brain acts like a cushion that keeps your brain from banging against your skull. If your head or body is hit hard enough though, your brain can collide with your skull and be injured. There are many ways to receiving a concussion; they aren’t just involved with sports. Today there are three different types of grades you can receive for a concussion. A grade 3 concussion is the worst one you can get.According to Center for Disease and prevention, recent data shows that, on average, approximately 1. 7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury annually. 2nd body-symptoms Now that we have a clear understanding of what a concussion is, let me share some of the symptoms with you. Symptoms of a concussion can range from mild to severe and can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. E medicine health states some very important concussion symptoms and they are loss of consciousness after any trauma to the head, confusion, headache, nausea or vomiting, or even blurred vision.All of these may not occur when you sustain a concussion though; you could only get one or two of them. You don’t have to pass out to have a concussion either, that’s why they are always difficult to tell if someone has one. There are four main categories that concussion can fit into and they are thinking and remembering, physical, emotional and mood, and sleep. All four of these areas have different symptoms for each of them. 3rd body-treatments/my experience with them/prevention Now that I have discussed symptoms of concussions, let me explain the treatments and preventions.According to MayoClinic rest is the best way to allow your brain to recover from a concussion. Any person who may have had a concussion needs to see a doctor. If a doctor thinks you have a concussion, he or she will ask you multiple questions about the injury. These questions will test your ability to pay attention and your learning and memory. A person who might have a concussion needs to immediately stop any kind of activity or sport. Being active again too soon increases the person’s risk of having a more serious brain injury.It is very important to allow yourself time to get better and to slowly return to your regular activities. Conclusion In conclusion, we have discussed what concussions are, its symptoms, and treatments. Concussions can be prevented in some situations, but not all of them. So the next time you receive a headache from hitting your head, the best thing you can do is call your doctor. Concussions are not something you want to mess with, they are a very serious mat ter and you want to get them treated right away. Thank you. Works cited Webmd. com Emedicinehealth. com Mayoclinic. com Cdc. com

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Against Affirmative Action

Thirty-eight years ago, there was discrimination occurring in America that made it necessary for our government to create and enforce a law called Affirmative Action. Although this was a positive intervention at the time, Affirmative Action is no longer necessary today. Affirmative action is any plan or program that promotes the employment of women and members of any minority group (Britannica 172). This term, first used by President John F. Kennedy, is an action taken to remedy the effects and specifically end job and college entrance discrimination (Neiss 244). In nineteen sixty-four, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of nineteen sixty-four which made job discrimination illegal and really began to push Kennedy’s affirmative action. When President Richard M. Nixon took office, he became the first to implement federal policies designed to guarantee minority hiring. Over the years, there have been two significant court cases involving affirmative action. The first case occurred during the nineteen-seventies. A young man named Allan Bakke; who applied twice to the University of California medical school, was rejected in result of affirmative action policies both years. Bakke took his case to the Supreme Court, and in nineteen seventy eight, the court ruled in his favor. Allan Bakke’s case resulted in an established affirmative action quota in colleges, and he was also admitted into the University of California medical school. The second significant court case involving affirmative action occurred more recently. In nineteen ninety-six, a forty-three year old mother named Barbara Grutter applied to the University of Michigan law school. Grutter was not admitted into the school based on its racial preferences. The following year in nineteen ninety-seven, two other white students with good grades and high SAT scores were also denied admission at the University of Michigan. All three students to... Free Essays on Against Affirmative Action Free Essays on Against Affirmative Action Thirty-eight years ago, there was discrimination occurring in America that made it necessary for our government to create and enforce a law called Affirmative Action. Although this was a positive intervention at the time, Affirmative Action is no longer necessary today. Affirmative action is any plan or program that promotes the employment of women and members of any minority group (Britannica 172). This term, first used by President John F. Kennedy, is an action taken to remedy the effects and specifically end job and college entrance discrimination (Neiss 244). In nineteen sixty-four, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of nineteen sixty-four which made job discrimination illegal and really began to push Kennedy’s affirmative action. When President Richard M. Nixon took office, he became the first to implement federal policies designed to guarantee minority hiring. Over the years, there have been two significant court cases involving affirmative action. The first case occurred during the nineteen-seventies. A young man named Allan Bakke; who applied twice to the University of California medical school, was rejected in result of affirmative action policies both years. Bakke took his case to the Supreme Court, and in nineteen seventy eight, the court ruled in his favor. Allan Bakke’s case resulted in an established affirmative action quota in colleges, and he was also admitted into the University of California medical school. The second significant court case involving affirmative action occurred more recently. In nineteen ninety-six, a forty-three year old mother named Barbara Grutter applied to the University of Michigan law school. Grutter was not admitted into the school based on its racial preferences. The following year in nineteen ninety-seven, two other white students with good grades and high SAT scores were also denied admission at the University of Michigan. All three students to...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Alternative managmentb of hypertensive patient among the lower economic class

Alternative managmentb of hypertensive patient among the lower economic class Hypertensive patients of the lower economic class prefers non-conventional methods of managing blood pressure levels. Hypertension is one of the most common non-communicable diseases worldwide affecting up to 800 million (or 20%) of the worlds adult population. It is estimated to cause 4.5% of the current global disease burden and is often as prevalent in many developing countries. Health seeking and utilization of health care services for hypertension in developing countries is often a complex issue, since people often seek care from multiple sources outside the formal orthodox health care system. Empirical studies of preventive and curative service have often found that the use of health care services in general is related to availability, quality and cost of services as well as to social structure, health beliefs and personal characteristics of the user. Traditional medicine (TM) is an important and often underestimated part of health services. In some countries, traditional medicine or non-conventional medicine may be termed complementary medicine (CM). TM has a long history of use in health maintenance and in disease prevention and treatment particularly for chronic disease. The frequency of utilization of CAM is increasing worldwide, and is well documented in both African and other global populations to be between 20 80%. Traditional health practitioners often play a major role in health care in many countries. For example, the reported use of herbal medicine (a form of CAM) in the general population from different parts of the world varies, with figures like 40% in the United States, 38.5% among the Indian community of Chatsworth in South Africa and 48.5% in Australia. Complementary and alternative medicine examples are herbs and garlic which can be included in the non conventional methods for hypertensive patients in the lower economic class. The purpose of this paper is to answer the following questions: What non conventional methods can be used by the lower economic class people to manage hypertension? What health organization acknowledges these methods? Is there a significant decrease in the blood pressure of lower economic class patients who follow the non conventional methods?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

LAB REPORT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Lab Report Example The ultimate intention is to determine the polarity of these molecules based on the relative electro-negativities of the atoms relating to the molecular hence stating whether a molecule is either polar or nonpolar. It has been generally known that a non-polar solvent will often dissolve a nonpolar molecule but not a polar molecule. It is therefore to a large extent, necessary to understand the theory behind the polarity of a molecule. This information will be critical in making of prudent decisions in certain chemical practices such as extractions and separations. This report therefore practically looks at the various steps taken to concluding on the polarity of certain molecules. Prominently used in the procedure is the VPESR theory. The VPESR theory seeks to predict molecular shapes of compounds from their Lewis structure since the molecular formulas have no direct relationship to the shape of molecules. According to the VSEPR theory the molecule will take up the geometry so as to minimize valence electron repulsion in the central atom of the molecule. In addition, the presence of lone pairs and the number of valence electrons majorly influence this geometry. There are various geometries which a molecule can adopt. These include; linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal and octahedral geometries. After the molecular shape has been obtained the polarity of a molecule can be predicted based on the presence of polar bonds. A bond is polar or non-polar based on the electro-negativities of the atoms in the bond. The greater the difference in electro-negativities the more polar the bond. The atom with a greater electro -negativity tends to pull the shared electrons towards themselves, hence giving them a partial negative charge and leaves the adjacent atom with a partial positive charge, thus polarity. The symbol for a dipole moment of a polar bond is -|-- > with

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Political Science Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political Science - Research Paper Example Leaders use it to prove to the world that they are doing the right thing for their citizenry or nations. Do today’s governments embody the dictums that define democracy? This piece of work is written to explain the meaning of politics and democracy, as well as the roles they play in the present day society. The author has examined how the two, politics and democracy, present themselves in the U.S, and how they have shaped the country from as far as 200 years ago. The word politics comes from two Greek words; ‘polis,’ and ‘politikos.’ Polis means a self-governing city or state, while politikos means relating to people. Cities of ancient Greece are believed to be the origin of present day politics. They are the first points where noticeable governance structures can be established. For these reason, ideologies of most governments today borrow heavily from the cultural practices of the old Greek people. The Greek civilization dates back to over 4000 years (Marshall, 2011). According to one English philosopher; Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), in one of his works, the Leviathan (1651), life before civilization is believed to have been harsh, brutal and selfish. This is attributed to lack of laws to govern the code of conduct of people. As a result, people were only driven by their own selfish desires. Various individuals have strived to come up with definitions for politics. Due to its broad nature and ambiguity, it is hard to capture all that it entails in just one definition. Some of the most visible philosophers who endeavoured into defining politics include; Aristotle, Plato, Machiavelli, and Harold Lasswell. Politics is the ‘philosophy of human affairs.’ This is the view held by Aristotle (384-322 BCE) in his Nicomachean Ethics (350 BCE). Aristotle claims that man is naturally a political animal, because politics is what brings happiness to man and to the community. In his definition, he draws the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Discuss the relationship between film score and narrative (story) Essay

Discuss the relationship between film score and narrative (story) - Essay Example It gives the feeling of the narration and helps carry along with the narrative the audience. Giving the feeling and tone of a narrative is very necessary to help the audience realize the message that the narrative is relaying to them. All narratives have their role which is supposed to educate and entertain the society. They try to remind people of the lost values that should be sort for proper cohesion of the people. In traditional societies before the coming of formal education, narratives were a source of education to young people. They were used to drive order and instill discipline in the young ones. This art has currently been perfected into different genres to include movies, dramas and other theatrics. With these improvements to modernize the field of art came music which has proved to be an integral part of narratives and movies and without music there could as well be no narratives or movies. An appropriate music has to be selected to accompany the narration. This will help to give meaning to the different scenes and themes that the narrator may want to pass across. Just by the background music, the audience may be in a position to predict what is likely to come next in the narration. Therefore, film score or film music helps in a great way to build a story in a narrative. The plot of the narration will basically be based on the content of the narration and the music that plays along the story (Green, 81). Film score also helps to catch attention of the audience hence breaking the monotony and boredom that may prevail were it for a mere narration without any support from music. Calm music often brings about somber moods in the narration, indicating that there could be a bad incident taking place in the story. A lively song gives an impression of a happy occurrence in the story. Therefore the choice of music should be correct to prevent a misleading incident where the audience may think about an occurrence

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mcdonalds Competition Against Burger King

Mcdonalds Competition Against Burger King McDonalds is one of the best global foodservice retailer which has more than 32,000 local restaurants serving more than 60 million people in 117 countries each day. More than 75% of McDonalds restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local public. The Company serves the world some of its favourite foods World Famous Fries, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Chicken McNuggets and Egg McMuffin. The history began with our founder, Ray Kroc. The strong foundation that he established continues today with McDonalds vision and the commitment of our talented executives to keep the shine on McDonalds Arches for years to come. . Its head office is located in Oak Brook United States. McDonalds Corporation is the worlds largest chain of fast food restaurants, working worldwide in 117 countries with 400000 workers. It has 60 Million customers with 32000 restaurants worldwide. A franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation itself operates every McDonalds restaurant. The corporations reve nues come from the rent, royalties and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. Its net operating income for the year ended 2010 is $7.673 Billion. The type of the company is public. Time Line: 1940: Dick and Mac McDonalds open MacDonalds Bar-B-Que restaurant on Fourteenth and E streets in San Bernardino, California 1948: Dick and Mac McDonalds opened the 1st drive thru restaurant in San Bernardino, California. 1949: French Fries replace potato chips on MacDonalds menu 1954: Ray Kroc becomes the first agent of franchise for the McDonalds brothers. 1955: Ray Kroc opens 1st McDonalds in Illinois. 1957: McDonalds started knowing for the motto QSC. 1959: McDonalds started billboard advertising. 1961: Ray Kroc acquires McDonald brothers for $2.7Million. 1963: Ronald McDonald made his debut in a way to attract more children and families. 1965: Television network advertising begins. 1969: The new design for the restaurants roof introduced to replace the red and white design. 1984: Training started providing for every level of McDonalds management worldwide for quality assurance. 1995: The new advertising theme have you had your break today? debuts. 2004: ISO 14000. 2005: 50th Anniversary. 2008: introduces the most broad global packaging design in the brands industry Burger King: Burger King is the 2nd largest fast-food chain, behind only McDonalds. The company franchises more than 10,400 restaurants and owns about 1,000 for a chain wide total exceeding 11,455, with locations in all 50 states and 56 countries. The company serves 15.7 million customers each day and over 2.4 billion Burger King hamburgers are sold each year across the world. In the late 1990s and into the new millennium, Burger King was plagued by falling sales and deteriorating franchisee relationships. Burger Kings parent, Diageo Plc, sold the company to a group of investors led by Texas Pacific Group in 2002. Miami entrepreneurs James McLamore and David Edgerton founded Burger King Corporation in 1954. Five years later, they were ready to get bigger their five Florida Burger Kings into a all over the country chain. By the time they sold their company to Pillsbury in 1967, Burger King had become the third largest fast-food chain in the country and was on its way to second place, after industry leader McDonalds. Time Line: 1954: James McLamore and David Edgerton establish Burger King Corporation. 1957: The Whopper is launched. 1959: The company begins to expand through franchising. 1963: First Burger King outside the U.S. in Puerto Rico 1967: Burger King is sold to Pillsbury. 1975: Burger King introduces the drive-through window 1977: Donald Smith is hired to restructure the firms franchise system. 1978: BKC introduces new line-up of sandwiches (fish, steak, chicken and ham) 1979: BKC introduce breakfast menu 1982: Burger King claims its grilled burgers are better than competitors McDonalds and Wendys fried burgers. 1983: BKC introduce The CroissanWich 1988: BKC launches We do it like youd do it add campaign 1989: Grand Metropolitan plc acquires Pillsbury. 1997: The firm launches a $70 million French fry advertising campaign; Grand Metropolitan merges with Guinness to form Diageo plc. 2002: A group of investors led by Texas Pacific Group acquire Burger King 2004:Subservient Chicken is launched 2005: BK Chicken Fries are introduced 2006: BK goes public limited company 2007: 50th anniversary of the WHOPPER SANDWICH Main Topic This report consists of different operations, research development of products, innovation, changes, and competitiveness of McDonalds and Burger King according to the requirement of this course work. How they do research and developing new products, how they manage their product and service quality, how they taking competitive priority on each others, and which systems and approaches they following to make their businesses successful in this competitive environment and satisfy their customers where expectations of the customers are very high and changing their needs rapidly. Compare and Contrast of Operations How They Cook The main difference can be seen in the kitchen of these two restaurants. How they prepare their burgers for customer like McDonalds cooks their burger by a batch process where as Burger king make their burger by a machine paced assembly process. McDonalds Batch Process McDonalds fries their burgers on a big platen in batches of up to twelve. Two ore more than two batches can be on platen at same time in different stages of cooking. When a worker in the back says Quarter Pounders Up a complete batch is ready at the same time Burger King Broiler Process Burger king cook their burger on continuous chain broiler. Semi prepared burgers are put on one end 80 second later they bring out the other end its cooked. This sort of machine paced assembly process is very common in industrial manufacturing processes. Teamwork VS Assembly Line As both of these companies following two different strategies of operations like Mcdonalds batch process and King Burger assembly line. As in McDonald 12 hamburger are prepared in same time. They are hand seared after 20 seconds on the grill, turned at sixty seconds and pulled at hundred seconds. When they come off workers over there must fastly add condiments wrap and shelve them. If there are two batches going there in different stages of cooking then its mean that speed is more essential part to keep production on going. So its mean the staff must be motivated or the process gums up. Staff must be cooperative and willing to help in another area in case of help required. Burger King Here in Burger King there is no matter at what speed burger are prepared once they are cooked the rate limiting step is the cooking itself. One burger in a time comes off the chain broiler at the rate of 8 per minute, maximum. The machine makes the process fast. As long as you can do your job of assembly process in seven and half seconds per burger that all which is required. Fast and Quick Service(Just In Time) How McDonald can stay on top? The answer id that when it is running good, the batch process allows for much greater throughput and faster speed of services. Speed plays an important role in the popularity of food store. The batch process of McDonald can prepared 300 burger in one hour where as 200 for the continuous chain broiler of Burger king. There are standard given by each restaurant for speed like McDonalds is faster than Burger king because prepared burger for 3 minutes where as McDonalds delivered only in 90 seconds. Capacity Planning McDonald McDonalds has a very strict standard for food preparation and its their goal to facilitate their customer as fast as they can. To meet this goal they set a plan of inventory of food production to meet surges in demand. There are strict limits how long the food can remain in inventory limits the amount of inventory can be made this food limit allow to McDonald create a level between its production and the workforce required. This sort of strategy is called level production. Burger King Burger king is using another sort of strategy. They once promoted their burger using a have it your way philosophy because Burger assemble burger when they receive an order, because product is made when the demand appears. So Burger King has variation in labour need and this is the reason for customer to have wait. They nevertheless provide a product geared according to the requirement of customer. This sort of strategy is known as chase demand. Quality Control Burger King: uses the customer and market oriented surveys to manage the quality of service on regular basis. HSSP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) program is the execution of strict operation and sanitation procedures. Our food safety program employs a broiler design and meat cooking procedures that fully cook products, killing any potentially harmful bacteria. McDonalds: Q.S.C. V. Provide good quality, services to customer. Uses a cleanliness environment when customer enjoys their meal. The value of food product makes every customer is smiling. Price: Burger King uses affordable prices for quality food strategy so that its prices are less than its competitors. McDonalds came up with very high prices. The Company has certain value pricing and bundling strategies such as happy meal, combo meal family meal etc to increase overall sales volumes. Product: McDonalds doesnt offer just burgers their well-diversified menu is also one of the key success factors. Burger King: Burger King is offered flame-grilled burgers and offering a variety of food and other products those fulfilling the demands of all segments of society. Layout of Restaurants: McDonalds: Restaurants have included a playground for children and advertising geared toward children. The new strategy of re-designing of layout of the braches create natural style with a particular emphasis on comfort introducing lounge areas and fireplaces and eliminating hard plastic chairs and tables. These facilities give comfort to customers and create satisfaction. Burger King: The lay out of the restaurants are very wide and people could comfortably spend time with their food. Branding: McDonalds: Has partnership globally with Coca Cola to sell their drink with their menu Burger King: Has also co branding contracts with Coca Cola worldwide. Innovation: Innovation is the lifeblood of any successful business. In modern times, demand and expectations of customers are high and looking for change. The companies have to act accordingly to beat the competition and their survival. McDonalds has continuously introduced new products. The introduction is time such that the new product does not cannibalize the product already in the maturity or growth stage. A perfect example of renewing a product in decline phase French Fries have been an important part of the McDonalds menu worldwide. In an attempt to revive the Fries, Macdonalds amend and re-launch it with new name and style Shake Fries. This is being served with spicy spice mix, which has resulted in increase in the sales of French Fries and has elevated it from to the decline stage. The company is also focusing on nutrition and healthy food options for their customers. Burger King innovations in nutrition, quality, value and taste are all important attributes that can help our guests and their children make choices that promote healthy living. In July 2007, BKC identified two cooking oils with zero trans-fat that passed our rigorous operational, supply and consumer criteria; allowing us to start providing all of our restaurants in the U.S. and Canada with zero trans-fat oils. In 2008, we initiated a limit of 600 milligrams or less of sodium in all of our Kids Meals advertised to children under 12 years old. In May 2009, we introduced lower sodium CHICKEN TENDERSÂ ®, reducing sodium by 36 percent. BKC has joined the American Heart Associations (AHA) Industry Nutrition Advisory Panel (INAP), a partnership between the AHA Nutrition Committee and food industry leaders. INAP brings together representatives from the food industry and science to share information and plan cooperative programs in the areas of diet and nutrition and cardiovascular disease. Maintain Quality, Value and Taste: Nutritionally balanced products should still taste good. If our foods are nutritious and taste great, parents will order, it and kids will eat it. The Burger King always searching new ways to develop new product not only for variety in term of quality of food and nutrition for health of their customers. The are some latest innovations from Burger King BK BURGER SHOTSÂ ®, with BKTM Fresh Apple Fries, MINUTE MAIDÂ ® apple juice, CHICKEN TENDERSÂ ® with BKTM Fresh Apple Fries, Hamburger with BKTM Fresh Apple Fries, Philosophy of McDonalds: McDonalds consider People its philosophy. They provide the best employment experience for our employees to achieve their goals of providing our valued customers with the worlds best quick-service restaurant experience. They strive to recruit the best, hire the best, and provide the best place to work. People: The Company is the well aware of value of both its employees and customers. It knows the reality that a happy employee can work well with conclude as a happy customer. Human resources continuously working on finding new ways to motivate their customers (employees). The company focuses on critical hiring, best training and motivating employees through best pay structure and benefits. Philosophy of Burger King: Philosophy of Burger King to give option to customer to choose the food and we innovate. Burger Kings goals seemed quite clear. They want to individualize each customers order and provide the fastest service possible. Burger King gives the customer many choices and to accurately and quickly provide whatever the customer chooses. This policy is reflected in their slogan, your way, right away. Operating under this policy makes it very easy to achieve their goals. To facilitate fast service Burger King takes customer orders on a continual basis. One employee takes the customers order, the customer then moves down the line where another employee is preparing the order. Customers also get their own drinks while they are waiting for their meal. Burger King providing the innovative and healthy food options to their customers. Problems: Burger King Corporation is the second largest fast food restaurant chain in the world and growing their franchise network through globally. The company needs to do a lot to sustain the performance in this competitive environment. Burger King has good operational systems designed to provide customers with efficient and responsive services. The success of the operational system of Burger King is directly related to the degree of co-operation and co-ordination among these three subsystems. Any attempt to improve the efficiency, quality and responsiveness of the operational system must focus on these subsystems and their interactions. On the other hand increasing customers demand and expectations are challenges. Burger King is facing the following some problems in operations which affecting the quality services as compare with competitors: Staff motivation Inventory systems Equipment upgrade Customer accessibility Recommendations: Based on the analysis we can conclude that The Company should start by solving their internal issues so that they could perform batter and could achieve their objectives: Staff Motivation: The turnover rate is high employee are not staying long due to lack of motivation. The company should focus on retaining their staff. The company should plan an internal marketing so that they could address these issues. For this the company should give their employees tailored made training to serve the customers and coordination between them. The structure of the pay should be revised as per market based and give them incentives and benefits on their best performance. They should organize the team building activities to create team bonding within the teams. Inventory Management Systems: The company is using inventory and supply chain systems those are not latest and affecting the efficiency of the company, due to this company is facing the inventory wastage and storage expenses. If the company do focus on improving, inventory systems that could reduce the cost of materials handling and waste. Equipment: The company is the second largest company and need to update about the technology and equipment those are using within the operations. The company is spending huge amount of money on marketing, innovation and employee but if the food processing equipments not giving desired out could lead to loss of revenue, service and resources. The company should up-grade the systems that will help the company to perform better. Customer Accessibility: Burger King is facing very fierce competition. The company has less accessible to their customers as compare with the competitors like MacDonalds that why company is losing the business. Although it could, addresses in long term but very necessary because if you spend on product development, sourcing material and advertisement globally then you need to reach the customers accordingly. In this contest, you are not getting the right business due to fewer stores geographically. Conclusion Burger King: This age is competition and innovation with better management of the resources. It is a very strong chain of fast food restaurants all over the world. Being in maturity stage it has high opportunities of introducing its new products and growth. In future, it will be expanding its chain by introducing more outlets in more countries. Although in McDonalds there may be more problems than Burger King but the fact is there cannot be a perfect one in the world. Every organization has its internal problems but Burger King is what it should not be. Because people rely on it hugely. Burger King should serve people with true spirit of the company vision. Personal Reflection: Personal Description and Expectation I would like to describe myself as a very pleasant, diverse, energetic and committed person. I think one of my most distinguishing characteristic is my professional experiences and the business degree I am carrying under my belt. Along with my business education, my experience with the contact centre industry, peoples management that provides me sufficient exposure to manage a team, focuses on the performance and peoples management and delivering quality services. The visionaries place the customer at the core of their organizations business systems. In fact, it takes a visionary to see the mass market, assemble the financial and human resources and be the winner at the market place. My previous experience of management and leadership push me to learn advance techniques of business from the best business school in London. I have known about the practical processes of the business but not have idea about the philosophies of the business and culture of the multinational organization around the world.. Learning Outcomes: When I have started this module in the college and start reading books and other readings found this a real practical course. The theory of quality services and operational strategies I have read were those we were practising in the office in routine. Then I start associating these theories and knowledge with my previous experience that helped me to learn and understand the practices in real world. Learning and Development: With the help of previous practical management experience and latest operational techniques up to date practices I feel very clear changes in my perception about operations. In the past, I was following the pattern, which was designed by the top management to implement the policies. I never challenged those policies and practices due to lack of knowledge and expertise. After completing these multinational corporations operational management approaches I feel very comfortable and confident to take new challenges and responsibilities in future. It gives me in-depth knowledge and practical exposure about the subjects, which help me to start analytical and critical thinking about the projects.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Translations about Language or Politics? Essay -- English Literatur

Is Translations about Language or politics? Friel famously said of Translations, â€Å"it is about language and only language.† However, the political statement which Friel denies need not be active, but passive, as seeking an understanding of the situation must consider politics, however Friel actively avoids political comment perhaps due to the volatile situation in the 1980s when the play was first put on. D.H. Lawrence famously said, â€Å" Never trust the teller, trust the tale† and with that in mind, I wish to explore the reasons why audiences and readers may perceive translations as a political play. The action of the play over three acts shows the profoundly disturbing influence of the English domination over the Baile Beag community and its life. Lenin once said, â€Å"politics is who whom† considering who acts and who is acted upon. Exploring politics from this point of view, one is easily able to perceive the numerous political aspects of the play. One such clearly political aspect of the play is the colonial force arriving from England. A movement of armies from one country to another, is a clearly political act, â€Å"a gesture†, â€Å"to indicate a presence† as was Doalty’s movement of the Theodolyte. On the other hand, if the play is about language (as Friel says) then perhaps it is about language on two levels. On the one hand it considers language on an international level (for example, the Irish and English languages) whilst on the other it considers language on an interpersonal level, the way perhaps we â€Å"interpret between privacies† or our choice of individual words in our speech. There are numerous ways in which one may consider the play to be about national language. Many would consider language as ... ...haracters acting as a mouthpiece for Friel’s political points of view, and because of this, I believe Friel’s play must concern politics to some degree. In conclusion I believe Friel is telling a half-truth, when he says the play is about â€Å"language and only language.† This is true insofar as the only issue the play is directly and aggressively considering is the importance of language. However, I believe Friel knew all to well that anyone watching of reading the play would have to consider politics, at least on a social level, in order to fully understand the importance of the social and national issues in the play. Therefore, Friel’s play is neither a play solely about language (as he asserts) or solely about politics; the two are inextricably linked leaving us with a socio-political play which emphasizes the importance of language as a political tool.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Air Asia Company Analysis

Accounting & Finance TP 023513 UC1F1007BMP (AF) Utari Asmelia Introduction of Management 08 Fall AirAsia Company Analysis Background of AirAsia Company Dato’ Tony Fernandez was the entrepreneur that brought up AirAsia to be the one of the award wining the largest low fare airlines that is currently well known for now in Asia. Since then it has been flying to over 61 domestic and international destination with 108 routes, and furthermore it operates over 400 flights daily from hubs that are basically located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.Today if we look at their progress, AirAsia has flows over 55million guests across the region and continues to create more extensive route network through its associate companies. The company AirAsia furthermore belives in the no-frills, hassle-free, low fare business concept and feels that keeping costs low requires a specific element of high efficiency in every oart of their business. So, as we know, through the corporate philosophy whi ch stands that â€Å"Now Everyone Can Fly†.AirAsia Berhad is a Asia’s aeroplane largest low-fare, no frills airline and a pionner of low cost travel in Asia. AirAsia group operates scheduled domestic and international flights to over 400 destinations already spanning 25 countries. Its main hub is the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Its affilate airlines Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia respectively. AirAsia won the Skytrax World’s best low-cost airline award in 2009 and 2010. It has the world’s lowest operating costs at $0. 35/seat-kilometre in 2010. It is also the first airline in the region to implement fully ticketless air travel system. THE HISTORY OF AIRASIA CO. AirAsia was established in 1993 and commenced operations on 18 November 1996. It was originally founded by a government-owned conglomerate DRB-Hincom. On 2 December 2001, the heabily-indebted airline was purchased by former Time Warner executive Tony Fernandes’s company Tune Air Sdn Bhd for the token sum of one ringgit. This was after great deliberation was the initial offer was fifty sen.Fernandes proceeded to engineer a remarkable turnaround, turning profit in 2002 and launching new routes from its hub in Kuala Lumpur International Airport at breakneck speed, undercutting former monopoly operator Malaysia Airlines with promotional fares as low as RM 1 (US$0. 27). MEGA ENVIRONMENT i) International Elements Based on the history of these company, on August 2006, Airasia took over Malaysia Airlines’s Rural Air Service routes in Sabah and Sarawak, operating under the FlyAsianXpress brand, the routes were subsequently returned back to MASwings a year later citing commercial reasons.AirAsia’s CEO Tony Fernandes subsequently unveiled a five-year plan to further enhance its presence in Asia. Today, AirAsia has strengthen and enhance its route network by connecting all the existing cities in the region and expanding further into Indochina, Indonesia, Southern China (Kun Ming), Xiamen, Shenzen) and India. The airline focused on developing its hubs in Bangkok and Jakarta through its sister companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia Airasia. Hence, with increase frequency and addition of new routes, AirAsia expects passenger volume to hit 18 million by end-2007.Now, AirAsia has some pathways and more wide network. For demography sectors, AirAsia has more than 558 million inhabitants (ASEAN countries) and over 3 billions with China and India. ii) Economic Elements AirAsia Economic Analysis A successful example of a Malaysian no frills airline is AirAsia. Revolutionized and Reinvented by Tony Fernandez in 2001, like I told before it is based on the low-cost, no-frills model of the US carrier Southwest. The concept of AirAsia is based on the belief that demands for short-haul air transport is price flexible.That means, if prices for flights are being reduced, more people will fly. Traditionally, airline concepts are based on the assumption that airline traffic grows in line with the economy and that cutting prices will only lead to a decrease in revenues. With the introduction of the ‘no frills’ concept to the Malaysian market, AirAsia has proven this theory wrong and goes from strength to strength by actually increasing the size of the market and more recently by taking away passengers from the major airline competitors.With its expending strategy as objectives to reach excellent standard around the world, marketing in Asia has been the key player to achieve success. AirAsia is one of the business that have successfully adopted cost leadership through operational effectiveness and efficiency. The cost advantages have enabled AirAsia to become the Asia’s leading low fare airline. AirAsia has successfully positioned itself in customer’s mind. Its net profit for the second quarter ending 31 December 2004 was reported RM 44. 4 million, a 323% increase over t he previous quarter.AirAsia until today has flown more than 55 million passengers in and around Asia. AirAsia has also ventured into other market that complemets with the airlines business. It has started franchises like the tunes hotels and red box couriers to gain maximum efficiency in and around the airline business. There’s economic aspects which AirAsia did: * AirAsia holds 49% of Thai AirAsia with 1% held by a Thai individual. The remaining 50% is held by Shin Corp. , owned by the former Thailand prime minster, Thaksin Shinawatra. Shin Corp. as financial strength, synergy in information technology and telecomunications, which support AirAsia Internet and mobile phone bookings. * National Trends: Malaysia’s economy may expand as little as 4 percent in 2009, growth will probably be between 5 percent and 5. 5 percent this year, below the official 2008 forecast of 5. 7 percent. * Real GDP % Growth forecast is from 5. 1 in 2008 to 1. 4 in 2009. * The inflation rate ma y fall below 4 percent before the second half of 2009 * Unemployment has remained constant at an average of 3. 6% in July 2008 to 3. 1% in Oct. 2008.However, the global credit crisis has raised fears that â€Å"the unemployment rate could double to 6 per cent by 2010 if global demand remains weak†> * International trends: * Malaysia ranks 20th for its ease of doing business out if a total of 181 economies surveyed in the World Bank Doing Business 2009 report. * International global credit crisis has resulted in increasing unemployment and ‘global trade will shrink by 9 percent this year’ * Asian governments are defending less national-flag carriers; in order to revitalize under used airports and increase tourism spending. ii) Technological element AirAsia Company has also used technological sectors to improve their quality work and give best services for all customers. If we can look at advertising side, AirAsia used information technology to make customers easy find the flight they wants. AirAsia has also used Online-Booking System to buy or just booking for flights. It has good way promotion and offers with the low-price surely, some information we can accessed as soon. All the things we need, we just can booking first such as foods and drinks, also available on during our flight.With this strategic move, AirAsia is able to focus on the factors that actually bring value to customer, such as point-to-point travel system, easy reservation system, and etc. This will help AIrAsia, reduce the cost and at the same time, increase the value for customers – Value Innovation. It has synergy in information technology and telecommunications, which support AirAsia Internet and mobile phone bookings. ShinCorp. allows subscribers of the Shin mobile phone flagship, Advanced Information Service, being able toreserve tickets through its short-messaging service (SMS).In aeroplane cabinet, AirAsia was used Airbuss, Boeing, ATR and others sizeable for flight. Technological aspect specifics are : * Ticket-less travel and ‘e-tickets’ have lowered distribution costs. * AirAsia has the youngest fleet in Asia with the new Airbus A330-300; allowing state-of-the-art technology and high fuel efficiency. * Information and communications technology (ICT) has allowed AirAsia to reduce operating costs and provide fast, efficient service in areas including: check flight schedules, book seats, electronic check-in, and pre-order meals. New low cost terminal to be opened in Labu, Malaysia by 2011 will incorporate modern technology, more shops and be privately owned, resulting inn lower airport taxes and fares and reduced government bureaucracy. iv) Sociocultural element AirAsia Company creating and developing a social culture takes time and effort and a new motive driven company such as AirAsia has to develop me method on how to connect with the society’s lifestyle , demographics, and media. For lifestyle sectors, AirAsia Com pany has a magazine, we can took at the flight, and their company.If we look at huge views, there’s another socialize point. They are as : * Demographics: * Ethnic: Malay50. 4% Chinese23. 7% Indigenous11% Indian7. 1% Others7. 8% * Religions: Muslim60. 4% Buddhist19. 2% Christian 9. 1% Hindu 6. 3% Other traditional Chinese 2. 6% Unknown 1. 5% None 0. 8% * Languages:Bahasa Malaysia (Official), English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai. * Air Asia operates in SE Asia with many countries and languages. SE Asian countries have diverse cultures and religions; troubles continue particularly on the Thai-Malaysian border and Indonesia. * Individualism is less common than cooperation in Asian business values. * Acceptance of laws and rules can vary; many Indonesians, for example, rarely abide to baggage allowance rules and these rules are seldom enforced due to corruption and indolence. * Urbanization: 7 out of the top 10 most populated cities in the world (>14 million) are predicted to be in Asia by 2015, according to the UN. Over 80% of AirAsia’s tickets are sold on-line; thus, eliminating travel agent fees.V) Political elements Political Analysis mainly states about the aviation acts and regulation which needed by aviation company such as AirAsia to operate their business. The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses and the spending power of consumers and other businesses. Political stability is inessential to create a safe economy market that enables the market to grow. Political issues may cause problems in the outcome of the company. Some of the political factors that may affect a company are events that affect the operation of the company; therefore regarding an aviation company.It has happens as Air Asia. Air Asia political events will affect the results as well. Political aspects include some points by AirAsia Company. They are : * Political uncer tainty in Malaysia with Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi set to step down in March 2009. * Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak is expected to take over the ruling-coalition party, but with a cloud of allegations. * Political unrest in Thailand recently when anti-government protesters recently blocked flights for a week at Bangkok’s main airports. * ASEAN nations have been pushing Indonesia to scrap its Rp. million ‘Fiscal’ charge to all Indonesian citizens and expatriates when leaving the Republic of Indonesia either for business, education or tourism. * Resurgence of violence in Southern Thailand – Northern Malaysian border. * Malaysia granted exploration rights in oil-rich waters off the coast of Borneo; increased tensions with Indonesia. * Terrorism has occurred in Thailand and Indonesia, most notably the Bali bomb of 2002. A. WHY AIRASIA NEED TO CONSIDER A STRATEGY MANAGEMENT? The first reason is because the airline industry is a unique and complex industr y.Based on the statement, the complexity and unique of the airline industry, AirAsia need to come out with the greatest strategy to compete with their rival in the same industry. Without the right strategic management, its possible AirAsia could not be able be compete with the complex business environment the airline industry. Furthermore, the second reason why AirAsia need to consider a strategic management because in a company nowadays, general management which the process of achieving organizational goals by engaging in the four major functions. There are : * Planning * Organizing Leading * Controling It may not sufficient and supportive for the organization succed in the world of complex environments. It concerns about the process to manage the company internally but do not concentrate more on creating competitiveness regarding environments affecting the organization. In addition, the third reason, this is because strategic management becomes important in AirAsia due to the foll owing reasons. The first reason why strategic management becomes important is because the globalization. The globalization consideration impacts virtually all-strategic decisions in a company.The globalization also forced AirAsia Company to survival for business. Too see and appreciate the world from the perspective of others has become a matter of survival business. The current issues in AirAsia Company AirAsia Company are more focused in the competition of the cost among an airplane industry. AirAsia as an industry company which is more focusing in the low cost carrier airplane industry need to consider to make the lowest possible cost to compete with the other competitors in their airplane industry. To achieve the lowest possible cost, AirAsia Company has some strategy to achieve it.B. HOW TO IMPLEMENT AND ACHIEVE IT? With there believes to make a low possible fare for to the customer, AirAsia was cbecoming an Airline company that is chosen by so many customers. The best philosop hy of AirAsia ‘now everyone can fly’ means to giving an opportunity to all the people to flight with the lowest possible fare and making them can flight even the only have the less money. Why AirAsia more stressed to be low cost carrier in airline industry? * AirAsia believes to compete in the airline industry, it must be cost-efficient and profitable, and it must create value.Cost that do not add value must contained, reduced and even eliminated. * Demand for low cost carrier (LCC) industry will keep growing rapidly. * And than the best philosophy of AirAsia ‘now everyone can fly’ means to giving an opportunity all the people to flight with the lowest possible fare. AirAsia SWOT analysis The purpose of this analysis are for identify the internal and external factor that AirAsia need to consider to be low cost carrier in airplane industry. There are : 1. Strengths * AirAsia has a very strong management team with strong links with governments and airline ind ustry leaders. The management team is also very good in strategy formulation and execution. * AirAsia’s brand name is well established in Asia Pacific. * AirAsia is the low cost leader in Asia. * The excellent utilization of IT. 2. Weaknesses * AirAsia does not have its own maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility. * AirAsia receives a lot complaint from customers on their service. 3. Opportunities * There are 2 major events that are taking place now or going to take place in less than 6 months from now. * There is also some opportunity to partner with other low cost airlines. The population of Asian middle class will be reaching almost 700 million by 2010. 4. Threats * Certain rates like airport departure, security charges and landing charges are beyond the control of airline operators. * AirAsia’s profit margin is about 30% and this has already attracted many competitors. * Users perception that budget airlines may compromise safety to keep costs low. In concl usion, the SWOT analysis that AirAsia have is on of the major component to make AirAsia more strength in their business and can make they are able to compete with the same low cost carrier airline industry.The strategy that AirAsia was implementing to make they are being a successful in low cost carrier and can compete with other competitors in this field of business are : 1. Maximized IT and implementing E-commerce in AirAsia business. 2. Operation effectiveness and outstanding efficiency 3. Implemented outsourcing in their business Conclusion : The competition among airplane industries is very tough. Each of Airplanes Company in the world trying to conduct some strategies to compete with another competitor in their industry.To compete with their competitor in the business environment, a company needs to make a strategy to achieve their long terms objectives and can be successful for doing their business. The strategic management becomes important due to the following reason such a s globalization to survival their business, and than e-commerce become the critical success to the company nowadays. A company needs to consider the company ability and how to integrating it with the as well as main factor in the internal and external factor. DO YOU THINK THE CHOSEN ORGANIZATION WILL BE SUCCESSFUL UNDER THE CURRENT LEADER IN THE FUTURE? WHY OR WHY NOT?Absolutely yes, I believe AirAsia Company would be make some progress in the future. Based on the fact we know before, AirAsia Company has a lot achievement and awards until now. AirAsia is one of the leader to Low-Cost Carrier Airlines with its best slogan ‘ Now everyone can fly ‘. It such as, new innovation for business world today’s. Lets look at AirAsia statements for future plan. Forward-Looking AirAsia statements Such forward looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Group’s present and future business strategies and the environment in which the Group will operat e in the future.The AirAsia’s future overall business development and economic performance : * The Group’s estimated financial information regarding, and the future development and economic performance of, its business. * The Group’s future earnings, cash flow and liquidity * The Group’s potential growth opportunities, including its route expansion plans and potential joint ventures; the amount and nature of future fleet growth 9including the proposed acquisition of up to 80 new aircraft from Airbus or Boeing consisting of 40 purchase obligastions and 40 purchase options), airport investment and other capital expenditures required by the Group. The Group’s financing plans, business strategy, competitive position and effects of competition; the airline industry environment, including future prices and demand for air travel and future prices and supply of aircraft, jet fuel and spare parts * The regulatory environment and effects of the future regula tion, including the liberalization of the commercial aviation industry in Southeast Asia and the effects of future regulation. According to the forward-looking statements by AirAsia Company.It shown that AirAsia Company making some future plan for improve its business. We could look at AirAsia Company Strategic Management running so well. For additionally, if you haven’t really heard much about AirAsia yet, never fear: according to the CEO Dato’ Tony Fernandes, the whole world will be flying AirAsia soon. Fernandes really loves his airline and has huge plans for it. The first low cost carrier in Asia, coming out of Kuala Lumpur, AirAsia has been flying for over 10 years now and is ready to conquer the world.Fernandes dreams of making the AirAsia brand as big as Coca-Cola Company and the airline’s reach as significant as European LCC Ryanair. Thus, I think all his plan are possible to realize. And for me, AirAsia Company is good inspiration for who those want to improve or follow its business journey. HARVARD REFERENCING Based on, Amandak. , 2008, AirAsia Boss Has Really Big Plan [online], Malaysia, Available from http://www. jaunted. com/story/2008/3/24/201251/894/travel/AirAsia+Boss+Has+Really+Big+Plans, [Accessed 25th March 2008] Sen Ze & Jayne Ng 2008, Air Asia The Story, 2nd edition,